Expert Witness NCAT Reports For Building Claims or Litigation in (NCAT tribunal or Court).
You will need a Building or Pest Expert Witness Report if you intend on making a claim or responding to a claim or dispute in the court or tribunal for litigation (NCAT), whether you are a builder or owner in a dispute.
The Expert Witness Report includes all relevant evidence and findings.
In the majority of matters a ‘Scott Schedule’ is also required to summarise the Report and cost claim.
We are also fully aware of the requirements of NCAT and Court in the set out of an Expert Report and adhere to the relevant Expert Code of Conduct.
Many disputes can also arise from variations to the contract. We are experienced in assessing variation claims against the original contract documents and can include these in an Expert Report.
We are also attend on site conclave meetings and giving evidence in relation to our reports in court or NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT). Additionally, we are familiar and comply with all the Court and NCAT Codes of Conduct.